About Dolce
About Dolce

Want to know more about who we are, what we’re about and where it all began for us? From the values we live by to the team who make it all happen, you’ll find out everything here…

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Our Story

Sitting comfortably? From a small family firm to leading innovators in the school meals sector, the Dolce story starts here.


Our Team

From the Scottish borders to the South Coast, 2,000 employees make up the Dolce team. We’ll introduce them below…

Chef slicing garlic on cutting board

Our Vision

What motivates us to be the best caterer in the education sector? The secret recipe that we have perfected for decades tells you everything you need to know…


Our Values

Seasoned across every part of our offering, these are the words we believe in – the ones which truly make us Dolce.

Our Sectors

Workplace Catering

From the stockroom to the boardroom, Dolce’s quality meals and service always bring out your employees’ best.

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From year sevens to sixth formers, Dolce’s delicious, nutritious meals fuel up growing minds before their afternoon classes begin. No rush, no fuss!

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Revamped menus, passionate staff and smoother lunch service. The key ingredients of Dolce’s recipe for school meal success, day after day.

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The Dolce approach to the little ones’ lunchtime experience is simple: children only eat the meals they love. Happy faces all around!

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