Our Employee Assistance Programme which is available to all Dolce employees and their immediate families.

What is an EAP?

An EAP is a free and confidential service which all Dolce employees can access 24/7 to get guidance on legal or financial matters, speak to a pharmacist or nurse on any health concerns or a counsellor for whatever life throws at you.

We all deal with hardships in life from time to time. In these moments it is difficult to know where to turn and seeking help can feel like a mountainous task. This is where Dolce’s EAP service with AXA is available to step in and support.

As wonderful as search engines are, they’re not quite cut out for the bespoke advice service we sometimes use them for. With the Employee Assistance Programme you can be secure in the knowledge that a trained professional will take the time to understand your concerns and guide you along the way to finding a resolution that works for you.




To access Dolce’s EAP:


Phone: 0800 072 7072
Go to: www.axabesupported.co.uk

Username: Dolce Limited
Password: supported

Don’t suffer in silence!




Did you know that all Dolce employees & their immediate families are entitled to free and unlimited access to counselling services.


If you suffer from stress, anxiety, panic attacks or depression, or are going through bereavement or other losses, relationship difficulties or family conflicts, this service is available at any time of the day and is completely confidential.


You can get up to 5 face to face counselling sessions per case.

Access BeSupported for free advice


The BeSupported portal provides guidance on a huge range of topics such as:


  • Your money, budgeting and saving advice
  • ‘Whilst in Work’ – The top issues
  • Mental wellbeing, sleep and anxiety


amongst other useful free advice.

You can explore the website using the username: Dolce Limited and password: supported to read up on the topics listed and more.


To access the online counselling service you will need to create a log in via this link.
(Or navigate the website to the ‘Online Counselling’ page)

Once registered you’ll be able to:

  • Have a secure chat online with AXA counsellors via webchat.
  • Review and update your health and wellbeing questionnaire
  • Contact AXA counsellors via telephone if you’d prefer

Dolce family health employee assistance programme poster

Dolce financial advice employee assistance programme poster

In Summary

Your access to the Employee Assistance Programme is unlimited.

It is a free service. It is available 24/7. It is a completely confidential service.

It is available to provide advice on medical, financial and mental wellbeing issues.

Are you seeking financial,
medical or wellbeing advice?