This just in! From upcoming Dolce events and delicious recipes to company news and information on allergy awareness, the latest headlines all land here. Check them out below…

This just in! From upcoming Dolce events and delicious recipes to company news and information on allergy awareness, the latest headlines all land here. Check them out below…
Winter Olympics is approaching in February 2022. This time all participants will travel to Beijing, China to compete for the gold medals in winter sports. Who will win this year? Dolce Schools Catering will be supporting our UK teams, as well as rooting for other countries!
Dolce has prepared a brilliant Winter Olympics themed lunch menu that children will have an opportunity to enjoy at school on 20th of January. To celebrate the occasion, and to learn about sports and countries of the world, we have also prepared a list of activities that you can organise at your school or home to make this day even more fun and educational!
To get everyone into a spirit of the champions, we recommend to prepare some crafts to decorate the classroom. Let the children create an Olympic torch from a paper plate as shown in the picture below. They can paint it in their favourite colours and use it to support teammates during the classroom Winter Olympics competitions.
Print out Winter Olympic sports posters with the titles to hang around the classroom. This will help children learn the names of Olympic sports and they will be able to engage in conversations about their favourite type of sports and teams. You can find such posters ready to print out here.
Interactive paper plate craft is another fun way to learn about winter sports. Here is an example of an interactive snowboard plate. All you need is a paper plate, scissors, foam and blue paint! Read the full instruction in the blog post here.
Let the children learn about Winter Olympics by organising engaging games and competitions!
Separate the class into teams of different countries taking part in Winter Olympics 2022. Arrange a list of kids-friendly quiz questions and begin! The winners get the prize – a crafted trophy, Olympic diploma or a medal.
Make an engaging activity by crafting cardboard skis with the children. Let them paint their own skis and encourage the pupils to bring winter hats and scarfs to wear in the competition.
Organise some “obstacles” across the room, such as a cross-point to complete 10 jumping jacks or solve a maths problem.
Separate the class into teams of different countries and begin the competition. The goal is to reach the other side of the room wearing the skis and the hats. The winners get a trophy, an Olympic diploma or a medal.
Celebrate Winter Olympics 2022, teaching kids about this century-old tradition of the world. Show educational videos, build conversations of their favourite sports and teams, celebrate the countries and cultures of the world, as well as enjoy their traditional food!
We would love to hear stories of Winter Olympics celebrations at your school or home. How are you going to make this occasion fun and interesting for the children?
Dolce Schools Catering Team