Literacy Day Story Competition Winners Announcement


Short Story Competition Winners!

Dolce are celebrating National Literacy Day, this Thursday the 8th of September, with a magical themed short story competition and the results are in.

Early in August we announced a magical themed short story competition for all students of Dolce’s partner primary schools and it’s safe to say the submissions were enchanting!
We joined a whole host of interesting characters and encountered so many thrilling adventures.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the WINNER is:

Eleanor Suckling, from Huntington Primary Academy

Eleanor wrote a story called ‘Callie In The Air’ which had us on the edge of our seats with excitement and we were very impressed that Eleanor could fit so much into just under 300 words.

Shortly after discovering an old but magical broomstick, Callie flies into the air and discovers she is, in fact, a witch!

… Then, without warning, a colossal black shape loomed towards her.
“What’s that?” whimpered Callie, full of fear. If this shape was coming to get her, she was stuck. Her estimate couldn’t have been more correct. The creature (whatever it was), was after her!
Callie glided towards it, hoping to get a closer look but she actually heard more than she saw. A voice boomed,
It was a burly, bloodthirsty giant!
Suddenly, Callie had an amazing idea. Why not conjure up her favourite DOLCE school dinner? Callie focused very hard and pictured a delicious pizza with spicy pepperoni and cheese. It worked! The pizza was in her hands. She aimed. She threw. And the giant ran after it.
Callie steered the broom as fast as she could away from the giant and landed on the first piece of grass she saw. It happened to be right in her own back garden. Luckily, the giant had lost sight of her and went off in a huff, annoyed.
“Phew!” panted Callie, “That was an adventure!”

Well done Eleanor for writing such an entertaining tale, we were thrilled to see even our pizza became part of the adventure. We will be in touch soon to award the grand prize: Two tickets to ‘The Making Of Harry Potter’ Studio Tour! (One adult and one child)

But of course, this isn’t the end of the story!

We have our runners up to announce too!  The winners are:

‘Personality Switch’ by Evie Williams, (St Nicolas’ Church of England Combined School)
‘The Enchanted Watermelon’ by S. Mallia, (Loudwater Combined School)
‘The Mysterious Elves’ by Amelie Brooke, (Crick Primary School)
‘The Mint Honey Spell’ by Seraphine Schreiber, (Stanton Harcourt CE Primary School)
‘Scary the Spider’ by Ronnie S Carr, (Valentine Primary School)
‘The Adventures of May Smith’ by I. Spurrier, (Valentine Primary School)
‘Alexandra in the Arctic’ by Alexandra Iakovleva, (St. Paul’s Primary School, Cambridge)
‘The Swords Gem’ by Tyrion S, (Drayton Community Primary School)
‘My Owl’s baby’ by Aneirin S, (Drayton Community Primary School)
‘Ruby The Magical Cat’ by Charlotte Suckling, (Huntington Primary Academy)
‘Jurassic Disaster’ by Abigail Graham, (Burghfield St Mary’s School)
‘The Potion to Escape’ by Alba Thompson, (Crick Primary School)
‘Doug Diaries’ by Daniel L-A, (East Hunsbury Primary School)
‘The Magical Feast’ by Douglas Protherough, (Tower Hill CP School)
‘Emilie’s Magic Story’ by Emilie Matsumiya, (Wolvercote Primary School)

In an effort to showcase stories from a wide range of ages and because it was so difficult to choose, we have decided to include 15 of our favourite submissions, alongside Eleanor’s tale! Each winner will receive their very own story published in a bespoke mini book. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you so much for sending such wonderful stories.

Illustration by Alexandra Iakovleva

Illustration by Alexandra Iakovleva

You can read more about the origins of International Literacy Day and UNESCO here. We hope to see our budding authors continue to explore those creative imaginations in the future.

Congratulations to all!