This just in! From upcoming Dolce events and delicious recipes to company news and information on allergy awareness, the latest headlines all land here. Check them out below…

This just in! From upcoming Dolce events and delicious recipes to company news and information on allergy awareness, the latest headlines all land here. Check them out below…
In many parts of the world reusing and recycling plastics is a natural part of the daily routine. In Germany for instance, ‘Pfand’ is a deposit refund system, which rewards the user for returning recyclable materials to Pfand stations. Usually conveniently located within supermarkets.
Scotland recently introduced new legislation for businesses to combat poor waste management, including better food waste practises. You can read more about how this has inspired Dolce’s latest initiative here.
For some time, the UK has fallen behind the levels of recycling that other countries in Europe can achieve. It unfortunately hasn’t become a natural part of UK culture. The time is ripe to adopt the most successful initiatives. We need to encourage a shift in how the UK participates in recycling.
Rewarding simple efforts to recycle; such as monetary refunds on recycled plastics or discounted prices on drinks poured into reusable cups are great places to start.
Thankfully the Environment Minister, Rebecca Pow, recently announced a very similar scheme to Pfand, to bring into effect by 2025. Click here to read more on the topic.
With so much going on in our hectic lifestyles it’s only logical that in most scenarios we choose the path of least resistance.
Choosing the single use take away cup at the favourite coffee shop – because we forgot to carry the reusable one.
Buying plastic wrapped produce because there’s not much else to choose from in supermarkets.
Purchasing the cheaper plastic bottles and throwing them into recycling bins. Usually without the knowledge that a lot of plastics end up in landfill anyway.
Change will only become the norm when the options to reduce, reuse and recycle are the easiest and cheapest options available. Incentives that reward the prioritisation of the environment have been shown to work abroad, so why not here too?
Add your voice to the campaign, the larger the cry for better recycling systems the more likely companies will take note. Show your support when and where you can to brands that display this level of care. Explore the World Refill Day website to learn more and find helpful resources.
Dolce is always looking for ways to reduce food waste and find sustainable alternatives. We’ve already taken steps towards this and you can click here to read all about it.
Choose to reuse on June 16th . Make a small change to your daily routine by switching from single-use to refill or reuse. Carry your reusable water bottle or coffee cup, find packaging-free groceries, switch to loose fruit & veg, or try a zero-waste shop.